14 min readMar 6, 2022


Hormonal imbalances have been related to a variety of health issues, including decreased performance, weight gain, mood fluctuations, and an increase in appetite. Every overweight person wishes to reduce weight, yet our hormones prevent us from melting fat and burning calories.

Hormonal Harmony HB-5, on the other hand, is a dietary supplement that targets hormones in your body and aids in the easy melting of refractory fats. Although it may appear overstated, the producers of this medication say that HB-5 can help you lose 34 pounds in just 60 days.

Hormonal Harmony’s Hormonal Block 5 formula was produced by Dr. Eric Wood. Hormone Harmony is a well-known brand that produces trustworthy, highly effective, safe, and effective hormonal supplements.


HB-5 is a dietary supplement produced at an FDA-approved and GMP-certified facility in the United States. This product attacks five hormonal roadblocks that keep you from losing weight. Thyroid hormones, cortisol, insulin, estrogen, and leptin are among the five hormones that impede fat burning, increase hunger cravings, and interfere with weight loss goals.

Natural chemicals in HB-5 help to unblock your hormones, resulting in significant weight loss in a short amount of time.

This nutritional supplement, according to the official website, “helps repair the 5 hormonal blocks that lead to weight loss resistance.” Thyroid, cortisol, estrogen, insulin, and leptin are the five hormonal blocks. With scientific evidence, addressing all five of these hormonal roadblocks is simple.

Years of scientific study went into creating the HB5 supplement, which is made up of all-natural elements like Kelp, Rhodiola Rosea Extract, Diindolylmethane, Cinnamon, and African Mango, all of which function as hormone balancers.

Who Manufactures HB-5 And Where Is It Made?

Hormonal Harmony is the firm that created HB-5. Dr. Eric Wood, ND, created the supplement company in Miami.

Scientific Fat Loss, The Ultimate Candida Diet, Longevity Secrets, and The Adrenal Fatigue Solution are all founded by Dr. Wood. He recommends vitamins and other goods as alternative treatments for medical ailments.

How Does Hormonal Balance HB-5 Work?

According to the manufacturer, HB-5 targets the five key hormones that play a role in weight loss.

  1. Hormones of the Thyroid (T3 and T4)

Thyroid hormones — T3 and T4 — are important for weight loss and metabolism. Your calories are converted into fats and energy by thyroid hormone, which keeps you energetic and healthy. Your body cannot lose weight if you have a thyroid hormone imbalance.

The iodine-rich kelp in the HB-5 formula targets thyroid hormone imbalance and speeds up weight loss.

2. Cortisol

The stress hormone cortisol is produced by the body. Cortisol tells your body to store fat, which causes you to gain weight. When you’re stressed, your body produces extra cortisol, which makes losing weight difficult. HB-5, on the other hand, contains Rhodiola Rosea, a plant extract that helps your body adjust to stress.

Hormonal Block-5 formula helps you lose weight and enhance your overall health by lowering cortisol levels in your body.

3. Insulin

Insulin is a hormone that controls blood sugar levels in the body. Increased insulin levels cause more glucose to enter your cells, lowering blood sugar levels and encourage you to eat more calories — your cells receive more glucose than they require, accumulating as fat.

HB-5, on the other hand, contains natural components like cinnamon extract that help your body maintain appropriate insulin levels.

4. Leptin

Leptin, the body’s fullness hormone, is released by fat cells to keep body weight in check. When you’ve consumed enough calories, your body creates leptin, which tells you to quit eating. When your leptin levels are out of whack, you increase your food intake, resulting in weight gain.

HB-5 contains African Mango extract, which helps you lose weight by targeting the leptin hormone.

What components are in the HB5 Supplement?

Hormonal Harmony HB5 is a nutritional supplement that contains 13 natural components in a clinically proven dosage.
1. Kelp: Kelp is a type of seaweed that is high in vitamins and minerals, particularly iodine. Short-term dietary supplementation with kelp significantly elevates both basal and post-stimulation TSH, according to a clinical experiment published by the American College of Endocrinology (thyroid hormones). Kelp has also been shown to restore thyroid function, normalize UICs (Urinary Iodine Concentration), and boost T3 and T4 production in studies.

2. Magnesium: Magnesium is a mineral that is necessary for the body’s proper functioning. It is required for the proper functioning of all cells and approximately 300 enzyme processes. Its primary activities in the body include blood pressure regulation, immune system support, and muscle and neuron function. It also aids in the transfer of thyroid hormones T3 and T4.

3. Zinc: Zinc is a “essential trace mineral” that is important for human health but is not stored in large quantities in the body. As a result, it must be included in one’s diet on a regular basis.

4. Selenium: Selenium is another “essential trace mineral” that you must have from your diet. Many key body systems, such as cognition, metabolism, and thyroid function, require it.

5. Copper: Copper is a trace dietary mineral that is required by all living creatures since it is a component of the respiratory enzyme complex cytochrome c oxidase. It’s primarily present in the bones, liver, and muscles. Copper aids in the maintenance of nerves and blood vessels, as well as the delivery of T3 and T4 thyroid hormones.

6. Manganese: Manganese is a trace mineral that the human body requires in minute amounts. It serves as a cofactor for a wide range of enzymes with different activities. It helps with a variety of body functions, including amino acid, carbohydrate, cholesterol, and glucose metabolism. It’s also crucial for bone growth, blood coagulation, and thyroid function.

10. Red Ginseng: Ginseng is the root of plants in the Panax genus, and it has been used in traditional medicine for millennia. According to studies, Red Ginseng root extract lowers cortisol levels and reduces stress in the body. It’s also supposed to have a “fat-burning effect.”

11. DIM (Diindolylmethane): DIM (Diindolylmethane) is a natural chemical produced when indole-3-carbinol, a molecule found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale, is digested by the body. The scientists discovered that DIM causes a beneficial shift in estrogen metabolism, according to a study published in the journal Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy. It is also supposed to prevent obesity caused by a high-fat diet.

12. Cinnamon: Cinnamon, a familiar spice, is reported to reduce fasting plasma glucose in the right quantity. Cinnamon decreases insulin levels, cholesterol levels, and irregular blood sugar, according to a study published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. It is also supposed to help people lose weight by lowering their BMI.

13. African Mango: Irvingia Gabonensis, often known as African Mango, is a tree native to Central and West Africa that bears a mango-like fruit. According to studies, African Mango helps to normalize body weight, body fat, and waist circumference by lowering Leptin levels in the body.

What are the advantages of Hormonal Harmony HB5 supplement?

1. Hormone Balancing: Hormonal imbalances, according to Dr. Eric J. Wood, are the true cause of fat migration to your belly and thighs. Millions of women and men are affected by these roadblocks, resulting in “weight loss resistance.” The HB 5 supplement corrects these hormonal imbalances and aids in hormone balance.

Source: Pexels

2. Improving Skin Complexion: Hormone balance has a slew of other advantages. But the one that stands out the most is the enhanced skin complexion. The HB5 supplement’s natural components help clear skin, making it fairer, smoother, and softer.
Improving Skin Complexion: Hormone balance has a slew of other advantages. But the one that stands out the most is the enhanced skin complexion. The HB5 supplement’s natural components help clear skin, making it fairer, smoother, and softer.

3. Mood & Energy Enhancement: Another advantage of using the HB5 dietary supplement is that it improves your mood and energy levels.
HB5 Supplement Side Effects
As far as I can tell from my study, the Hormonal Harmony HB5 weight reduction product has no discernible adverse effects. In fact, I couldn’t discover any HB5 hormone supplement reviews on the internet or in print that mentioned side effects.
However, pregnant and nursing women, as well as individuals with a known health issue, should seek medical advice before using the HB5 supplement.

Dosage of HB5 and How to Use It:

The suggested dosage for the HB5 supplement is three capsules per day, with or without food, according to the official website. Because the capsules are little, taking three at once shouldn’t be an issue.

The HB5 hormonal balance supplement comes with a full 30-day supply of 90 pills in each container. To receive the optimum results, the supplement should be used every day without fail for at least two to three months.

Is HB5 a miracle drug?

NO. Hormonal Harmony HB5 isn’t a miraculous pill by any means. Indeed, the term “miracle pill” should set off alarm bells in your head, as such items are almost always a rip-off.

There are no short cuts when it comes to your health. The HB5 hormonal balancing is a clinically established product that aids in weight loss by reducing the most common roadblocks.

Thyroid, excess cortisol, estrogen, insulin, and leptin are among the five hormonal blocks addressed.

Although it simply takes 30 seconds to take the pills and you will likely notice modest changes within weeks, you will need to put in a little more effort if you want to see total effects.

You should try to utilize it for at least two to three months and supplement it with good practices. After all, everything worthwhile necessitates a certain amount of effort.

How long will it take to see results?

Within a week or two of starting to use the HB5 hormone balance pill, you will notice small changes in your body.

However, you should take the supplement for at least two to three months if you want to get the best and most full results.

Furthermore, because each person’s body is unique, the supplement will have a varied effect on them. Some people may notice significant changes in the first few weeks, while others may take six to seven months to see substantial results. It all relies on how well the components in the HB5 pill are absorbed by your body.

That is why it is always best to keep your body in top shape so that the substances may be absorbed properly.

But, whether you go slowly or quickly, one thing is certain: you will see results, because the manufacturer promises a 180-day money-back guarantee if you don’t.

What is the price of Hormonal Harmony HB-5 Supplement?

The Hormonal Harmony HB5 nutritional supplement is priced at $149 per bottle. However, due to tremendous demand and a huge number of sales, the producer is now able to offer the supplement at a discounted price of just $49 per bottle. That implies each bottle will cost you $100 less!

If you buy the Hormonal Harmony HB5 supplement in long-term packs, you can save even more money.

A six-bottle pack of HB5 capsules would set you back $174 for a six-month supply of the supplement. That implies each bottle will cost you only $29, saving you $620.

You may also acquire a three-month supply of three bottles for $39 each, saving $290 by purchasing a three-month supply for $117.

According to studies, if you utilize HB5 for at least two to three months, you will obtain the most full outcomes. As a result, the six-bottle or three-bottle bundles should be your best bet.

3 x HB-5 = $ 117 Plus free shipping in the United States.

6 HB-5 = $ 174 Plus free shipping in the United States.

You can order HB-5 supplement from the official website!

Hormonal Harmony HB5: Where Can I Buy It?

The Hormonal Harmony HB5 supplement may only be purchased through the official website. The supplement was not initially available on the internet. However, because to tremendous demand and stock shortages, the firm opted to go entirely online.

The official website is easy to navigate, and you can get the HB5 supplement in just a few clicks. Within two to three business days, it will be delivered to your door. However, in rare circumstances, the pandemic condition may cause a delay.

However, you should exercise caution when purchasing the supplement because there are a number of fake websites selling supplements with the same or similar names. Customers are enticed to these websites by false promises, and they are duped into spending their hard-earned money.

As a result, you should exercise extreme caution and only buy the supplement from the official website. To be safe, you can buy the HB5 supplement from the official website using the link I provided with this review.

>>>Order HB5 Supplement From The Official Website By Clicking Here (60 Days Money-Back Guarantee)

Complaints about Hormonal Harmony HB5:

Despite my thorough research, I was unable to locate any online complaints concerning the hb5 weight reduction product. Almost every review appears to be positive. However, I did come across some customer complaints about counterfeit products with the same brand. The photographs of the product they posted, however, plainly demonstrate that this is not the Hormonal Harmony’s original HB5 supplement.

Customer Testimonials And Hormonal Harmony HB5 Reviews:

I found that all of the HB5 weight loss reviews I could locate were really positive. Several folks appear to have had positive outcomes after taking the supplement. I’m going to share a few reviews that struck my eye.

“It’s amazing how quickly I noticed improvements after using the HB5 pill. Perhaps the fact that I practice yoga aided me. I’ve lost weight before through diets, but this is different. Diets seemed to balance out after a while, but the fat in some areas didn’t seem to go away. However, after utilizing HB5, I’ve already lost 19 pounds, and it’s all from the areas where it’s always been trapped. Rather of looking unwell as when I was on those diets, my physique now seems toned and healthy. I’m very happy I came across this supplement.”

Jillian, Texas

“To be honest, I wasn’t sure if this supplement would help, especially because I’m a man. I was concerned that it would only work with women. But I only tried HB5 because I’d failed at so many other things and was desperate. And I was convinced it wasn’t working for a long because I hadn’t seen any results in nearly eight or nine months. But then, after nearly a year, I started to lose weight. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I can’t convey how happy I was. “I’ve lost 31 pounds so far and couldn’t be happier.

Ronnie, Ohio’s

“HB5 had an almost immediate effect on my health. My husband noticed that I was sleeping better after the first several weeks. Within two months, I began to feel more energized and no longer struggled to get out of bed in the morning. However, I had not lost any weight. However, the fact that my general health had improved convinced me to keep taking the supplement. It’s been six months, and my weight has started to drop as well. This is the first time that has happened in a long time. I’m overjoyed and grateful.”

Arkansas, Mary-Anne, Arkansas,

Is HB5 Hormonal Harmony Legitimate?

The HB5 supplement cannot be a fraud because it was created by a prominent physician, Dr. Eric J Wood, N.D., M.A. NPI, and it is manufactured by Hormonal Harmony, a reputable company. Moreover, there are thousands of online and offline consumer evaluations and testimonials attesting to excellent outcomes.

Furthermore, if the supplement does not produce beneficial results, the producer gives a 180-day money-back guarantee. It can’t possibly be a fraud if they are so confident in the goods.

HB-5’s Last Thoughts on Hormonal Balance:

HB-5 is a weight-loss supplement that addresses hormone imbalances in the body to help you melt stubborn fats and shed pounds quickly. To ensure optimal efficacy and safety, it is packed with science-backed natural components taken from organic and potent sources.

The HB-5 formula, according to the manufacturer, corrects hormonal imbalances, boosts mood, melts stubborn fats, prevents fat storage, boosts energy, and improves skin tone, making you look younger and more confident.

It is also substantiated by favorable customer feedback, indicating that the formula works just as the manufacturer claims.

Now is the time to order HB-5 supplement from the official website!

Hormonal Harmony HB5 Review: The Final Word:

Overall, the HB5 Hormone Balance pill appears to have a lot of potential. A large number of customers have reported great results, therefore I believe the Hormonal Harmony HB5 dietary supplement is worth a try if you’re looking for a reliable weight reduction and hormone balance solution. Because all of the supplement’s contents are derived from nature, the risk of negative effects is virtually minimal.

You’ll also be protected by a 180-day money-back guarantee. So it’s perfectly safe, and you won’t have to worry about it burning a hole in your pocket unnecessarily. If you don’t observe any benefits after the allotted period, you can easily receive a refund.

>>>Order HB5 Supplement For The Lowest Price Available By Clicking Here (60 Days Money-Back Guarantee)

Consumer Questions and Answers (FAQs):

Consumers typically ask the following questions about HB-5 online, according to our research for this review:

Is HB-5 a safe substance? Complaints and Warnings

Because it is made from high-quality natural ingredients, HB-5 may be healthful and safe for everyone. However, if you are under the age of 18 or pregnant, you should avoid taking dietary supplements altogether. And, as with any supplement, it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor first.

How much does HB-5 set you back?

The Hormonal Harmony HB-5 product is only available for purchase through the company’s official website. The product is cheaply priced and is available in three different bundles, allowing customers to select the package that best meets their needs.

What Is the Best Way to Take HB-5?

Each bottle of HB-5 supplement may contain 90 capsules, which is enough for a 30-day supply. It is recommended that the supplement be used every day, without interruptions, for at least two to three months to achieve the desired outcomes.

Is HB-5 willing to offer a free trial or a refund?

There is no information on the official website that indicates the availability of a free trial. The corporation may, however, issue a refund on all HB-5 orders.

What Makes HB-5 Different From Other Weight Loss Supplements?

The HB- 5 Supplement may contain an innovative blend of natural components that will assist you in balancing your body’s five critical hormones.

What Are The HB-5 Side Effects?

There may be no visible adverse effects from taking the Hormonal Harmony HB-5 product. On the internet and off, we couldn’t uncover any HB-5 supplement reviews that mentioned side effects.

Is HB-5 a Good Investment?

HB-5 is a dietary supplement that may help to support and target five hormones in the body. HB-5 targets these hormones, making weight reduction more natural and shredding the obstacles between you and weight loss.

Regular exercise and a healthy diet, on the other hand, are the best ways to reduce weight. However, suppose you believe hormones are preventing you from losing weight and want to try a different approach. In that case, HB-5 might be offered with a money-back guarantee right now, making it a risk-free weight-loss pill.

Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that any advice or instructions provided here are not intended to replace competent medical advice from a professional healthcare provider. If you use pharmaceuticals or have concerns after reading the above review, contact with a licensed physician before making any purchasing decisions. Because the representations made about these items have not been tested by the Food and Drug Administration, individual outcomes may vary. FDA-approved study has not validated the efficacy of these products. These items aren’t meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness.




“I’m a blogger who is fascinated by blogging, health and fitness wealth and wellness and I also write about health supplements reviews on medium